The implicated subject in the contemporary Spanish memory novel

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Hans Lauge Hansen


Through the analysis of the representation of the implicated subject (Rothberg, 2019) in four Spanish novels about the civil war, this article will discuss the tendency present in a certain part of Spanish literary critique to categorize the typical novel on the civil war as a depoliticizing novel (no-ideology novel) up against another type of novel that is considered political and counter hegemonic. The way in which the implicated subject is represented will be considered an index of the ethico-political mode (Cento Bull and Hansen, 2016) through which the novel rememorates the violent past, and the distinction between the three fundamental modes, the antagonistic, the cosmopolitan, and the agonistic, will be presented as a theoretical frame for the categorization of the memory novel.


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Lauge Hansen, H. (2023). The implicated subject in the contemporary Spanish memory novel. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 23(37), e138.


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