The king’s wisdom: value and representation of this concept in some passages of Alfonso X’s works

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Santiago Disalvo
Fernanda Varela


In various passages and in the system of prologues of the prose works prepared by Alfonso X’s will in his scriptorium, as well as in the poetry of the Cantigas de Santa María, the function of the concept of sapientia may be appreciated at multiple levels and with different nuances: from the Old Testament biblical background to the classical philosophical echoes, the link between rex sapiens and the imperator litteratus, and even the double edge of a sword of wisdom that can be given generously and holy or be a diabolical instrument. In the celebrated 800th anniversary of Alfonso X’s birth (1221-2021), a unique Hispanic king who, at the same time, is the pith and the figure of many other medieval and ancient “wise rulers”, we propose the journey of this topic in some of his works, a concept of both philosophical and religious depth, adhered to the historical memory of an auctor and troubadour monarch.


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Disalvo, S., & Varela, F. (2023). The king’s wisdom: value and representation of this concept in some passages of Alfonso X’s works. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 23(36), e129.


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