Analyzing the Códice de Florencia of the Cantigas de Santa María. Some assessments on its construction and deconstruction
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The Códice de Florencia (BNCF BR 20) is the result of the manipulation, subtraction and rearrangement of the folios of one of the manuscripts of the Cantigas de Santa María. This manuscript, produced at an advanced chronology, was created to collect two hundred new cantigas following the same composition and design guidelines as the so-called Códice Rico (RBME Ms. T-I-1). The death of the monarch in 1284 interrupted its completion and part of its materials remained unfinished. Years later, its folios were rearranged and some of its illuminations were completed, giving rise to the manuscript we know today by that name. The analysis of its structure allows us to study the Alfonsine collection of songs in greater depth, as well as to clarify some of the singularities of this codex.
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