The representation of urban contexts in Sendebar: the city and its dangers
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The aim of this article is the study of a subject that has generally been overlooked by castillian Sendebar scholars, that is, the literary representation of urban contexts, particularly associated with crime, felonies, among other things that are considered negatively in the exemplary literature´s cosmovision. In this article, this subject will be adressed in two complementary perspectives: on the one hand, we will analyse how these urban representations interact with the exemplary discourse of this collection of tales; on the other hand, we will take into consideration the relevance of the oriental origin of these text, and the strategies for cultural adaptation and assimilation that this text had to experience in order to adapt to the Castillian Medieval context. Considering that Sendebar was translated during the period of the emergence of Castilian fictional prose, these early representations of urban life are particularly significant to comprehend the many forms that the medieval literature represents the everyday life of places and environments.
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