Doctrinal disputes and translation problems. The depiction of the Holy Trinity, the Virgin Mary and angels in La fazienda de Ultramar

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Melisa Laura Marti


La fazienda de Ultramar is a thirteenth-century translation of the Bible that replicates the structure of the medieval itineraries or pilgrim narratives: the selection of passages from Scripture is motivated by the geography of the Holy Land, which guides the way through biblical stories. This study aims to deepen into the discursive operations that separate La fazienda de Ultramar from its sources and other translations of the Bible, and which reflect the difficulties and issues met by the first translators of the Bible into vernacular languages. We will specifically reflect upon those which are connected with doctrinal debates and theological discussions relevant at the time of the composition of the work. Therefore, we will analyse the representation of the Holy Trinity, the Virgin Mary and angels, hoping it will allow us to comprehend the cultural system its author inhabited and the techniques he incorporated as a translator.


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Marti , M. L. (2021). Doctrinal disputes and translation problems. The depiction of the Holy Trinity, the Virgin Mary and angels in La fazienda de Ultramar. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 21(33), e095.


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