Las canciones de trilla en el Aljarafe sevillano

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José Pedro López Sánchez


El Aljarafe has been mainly an agricultural region. Its major area has been assigned to cereals’crop, thus it’s not surprising to discover a rich variety of songs merged or associated with these tasks, due to the rural works are the framework suitable for the implementation of popular literature. Many cultures includes work songs, which essentially refers to the agricultural activity and love themes. This combination of motifs is common to traditional lyrics. In this study I shall focus on analize specific aspects of these folksongs, their metrical forms, and the relationship between peasant labour and love


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How to Cite
López Sánchez, J. P. (2012). Las canciones de trilla en el Aljarafe sevillano. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 13(18), 277–294. Retrieved from
3. Formas y usos de la lirica tradicional moderna