Quema de libros y antitotalitarismo. Manuel Rivas <i>Los libros arden mal </i>y Ray Bradbury <i>Fahrenheit 451</i>

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Mechthild Albert


The current article aims at a comparison of Manuel Rivas’ Los libros arden mal (2006) and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 (1953). Both novels share the anti-totalitarian commitment which is, in both cases, exemplified by the book burning motive, considered the climax of anti-cultural barbarism. Based on Fernando Rodrí­guez de la Flor’s reflections on biblioclasm (2004), parallels can be found in the following aspects: the zoo- and anthropomorphic description of the burning books; biblioclasm as an expression of totalitarianism, indicating, furthermore, an ambivalent and dialectic relation between civilization and barbarism; the subversive movements dedicated to maintain the reverence for the book and the philosophical-literary tradition; the intertextuality and the prominent role of the Bible as the Book of books. In conclusion, one can say that both authors, despite various common points – especially with regard to their anti-totalitarian commitment – differ, in particular, in terms of their political orientation and the focus of their cultural critic


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Albert, M. (2016). Quema de libros y antitotalitarismo. Manuel Rivas <i>Los libros arden mal </i>y Ray Bradbury <i>Fahrenheit 451</i>. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 16(24). Retrieved from https://www.olivar.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/Olivar2015v16n24a07


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