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María Mercedes Rodríguez Temperley


On account of the incorporation of the iconographic corpus in our critical edition of the five Castilian printed books (XVI century) of the Juan de Mandevilla (2011) Libro de las maravillas del mundo, we realized the convenience of reproducing and studying the images which accompany the textes in the Middle Ages and the first decades of printing. To consider the xilographic variants in the critical apparatus, to drive the filiation of miniatures and engravings, to relate the printer’s work through their utilization of determined images and to study the symbolism that keeps the iconic language, become an objective more necessary every time. By means of examples taken from diverse editions of texts illustrated with images, we propound to reflect on this matter, not so much debated up to now


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Rodríguez Temperley, M. M. (2015). . Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 15(22). Retrieved from