“Historias olvidadas en las cunetas”. Entrevista con Adriana Fernández, integrante de la Plataforma Argentina de Apoyo a la Querella contra los Crí­menes del Franquismo

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Mariela Sánchez


The exhumation process of the remains of Antonio Fernández, a young man killed in 1936 in Spain, is the theme in Las cunetas, by Bodo Marks and Shelina Islam. A presentation and screening experience of the documentary has led to an interview with Adriana Fernández, Antonio’s granddaughter and a member of the Argentine Support Complaint Platform against Crimes of Francoism. Her responses, in dialogue with the material above mentioned, constitute a story that combines the verbal and the visual experience of a transatlantic quest for truth and justice


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How to Cite
Sánchez, M. (2013). “Historias olvidadas en las cunetas”. Entrevista con Adriana Fernández, integrante de la Plataforma Argentina de Apoyo a la Querella contra los Crí­menes del Franquismo. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 14(20), 271–285. Retrieved from https://www.olivar.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/Olivar2013v14n20a12