El azar de la mujer rubia, de Manuel Vicent: memorias de la transición entre la ficción, la prensa y la historia

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Sofía Bonino


In the next paper I intend to look the novel written by Manuel Vicent El azar de la mujer rubia. The text is presented to us as a new perspective on the transition, this time structured from a female character from which are drawn the wires of the Spanish history since Franco’s death until the present. However, the reading of the work reveals that the character is in the foreground is not another that Adolfo Suárez and that the material that serves as a starting point is the own journalistic of Manuel Vicent. It would think then this novel as an attempt to save from oblivion those newspaper articles of inestimable value –for having been written at the time that the historical events were unfolding– but also as a work that was presented as novel to reveal the hidden story of a love triangle that directly influenced the history of the country, with a female character that is, for the first time, recovered and processed into heroin. The study will focus on the way in which Vicent retrieves those journalistic texts and in the operations of inclusion of the same in a text that mixes fiction with history to return, once more, to the one of the momentous of the recent Spanish history


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How to Cite
Bonino, S. (2013). El azar de la mujer rubia, de Manuel Vicent: memorias de la transición entre la ficción, la prensa y la historia. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 14(20), 171–191. Retrieved from https://www.olivar.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/Olivar2013v14n20a08