Historias y viñetas, una versión del pasado traumático. Carlos Giménez: variaciones entre España y Argentina

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Néstor Bórquez


The following paper shall focus especially on the work of Carlos Giménez, a comic author from Madrid who attempts to represent there Spanish daily life from Civil War times up to the end of the Francoist regime –and his own life experience displays there an unavoidable reference point: 36-39 Malos tiempos, but mostly Paracuellos and Barrio are part of his own life story during the Civil War and the Francoist regime. In Argentina, authors such as Mariano Grassi or Marí­a Delia Lozupone and Rafael Cippolini try a similar intimist gaze upon the representation of dictatorship times in Argentina. This paper shall seek to establish a dialogue between these manifestations, attempting thereby to analyze the intimate plot of history and representation in these comic books.


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Bórquez, N. (2013). Historias y viñetas, una versión del pasado traumático. Carlos Giménez: variaciones entre España y Argentina. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 14(20), 111–147. Retrieved from https://www.olivar.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/Olivar2013v14n20a06