Lecturas hispánicas desde el Rí­o de la Plata: la revista Filologí­a (1949-1973)

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Marisa E. Elizalde


The most significant collaborations in the journal Filologí­a (published
by the Instituto de Filologí­a, Universidad de Buenos Aires) are the critical
readings on Spanish literature. In this period, from 1950 to the early ‘70s, there is an increasing participation of Argentine collaborators, and
the journal becomes a legitimized space for dissemination of Hispanic
studies. The corpus of texts and Spanish authors studied throughout the
issues of the journal gives an account of selection and omission processes
involved in the shaping of a Hispanic literary canon, which allow
to examine its connections and ways of circulation in the Argentine
academic scope.


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How to Cite
Elizalde, M. E. (2013). Lecturas hispánicas desde el Rí­o de la Plata: la revista Filologí­a (1949-1973). Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 14(19). Retrieved from https://www.olivar.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OLIv14n19a06