Revistas de un solo autor: disonancias del exilio español de 1939

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Valeria De Marco


This article examines a unusual corpus: that of one-author literary journals founded by significant Spanish writers forced into exile at the end of the Spanish Civil War. Namely, Atentamente by Manuel Altolaguirre, El Pasajero by José Bergamí­n and Sala de Espera by Max Aub. It attempts to understand how and why each one creates an editorial space for himself and suggests a hypothesis to interpret this formal dissonance –compared to the model of the literary journal consolidated over the centuries– as an expressión of the political dissonance in face of the ideals of the republican government established in exile.


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How to Cite
De Marco, V. (2013). Revistas de un solo autor: disonancias del exilio español de 1939. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 14(19). Retrieved from