Clarí­n bifronte y el secreto de Unamuno: de la crí­tica como espacio de intimidad

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Mariano Saba


In Spain, at the end of the 19th century, scholarship became a space of controversy. Immersed in a crisis of trust in the scientistic method, Unamuno believed to find an ally in Clarí­n. He didn’t understand the two-faced respect that Alas kept regarding critical attitudes warring by then –and La Regenta had already illustrated that–. In vain Unamuno sought his support to erode the space of knowledge that saw personified in Menéndez y Pelayo. In the middle of these oblique and ironic tensions, intimacy becomes a space of critical struggle. Letters, mocking articles, reciprocal readings: literature itself then becomes self legitimation instance.


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Saba, M. (2013). Clarí­n bifronte y el secreto de Unamuno: de la crí­tica como espacio de intimidad. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 14(19). Retrieved from