La representación contemporánea del cuerpo desnudo: El objeto sexual en el cambio de siglo XX al XXI

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Isabel Justo


The changes that feminist thought has occurred in our personality as a society, the way we lead and express, invite to work on them thoroughly. In this paper, discusses some works of feminist and 'post-feminist' artists, relates these artists with the tradition of representing the human body in Art History. The term sexual object is not an epithet that applies only to females today. Male and female images are used by the consumer society to sell their products. The particular ways of thinking and presenting the body as waste or spoil, or consumable appears in both genders. From the perspective of representing the human body we must consider the new strategies emerging from the respect for social rights of women


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Justo, I. (2011). La representación contemporánea del cuerpo desnudo: El objeto sexual en el cambio de siglo XX al XXI. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 12(16), 199–214. Retrieved from