Mala gente que camina: De la expropiación a la reconstrucción de la memoria

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Luz Celestina Souto


During the last decade, investigations into the theft of children during the Franco dictatorship and the silence of the Spanish democratic governments, have led to the interest of both historians and writers. Those who did not experience directly the physical and ideological extermination of the dictatorial regime build the identities that were buried in mass graves, also clarify the appropriations by the State. Benjamí­n Prado in Mala gente que camina, belongs to the set of authors who work for writing a historical memory that fills the gaps left by the previous generations


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How to Cite
Souto, L. C. (2011). Mala gente que camina: De la expropiación a la reconstrucción de la memoria. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 12(16), 69–93. Retrieved from