Panamericanismo, hispanidad, nacionalismo argentino: Dos escenas

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Edgardo Dobry


During the last few years of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, the most important representatives of poetic modernismo, which at the time had Buenos Aires as its main centre, follow diverging political paths. While Darí­o, after the Cuban War, embarks on a path to be reunited with Spain-which will lead him to be reappraised by the writers of the Spanish Generation of '98, who had previously attacked his Francophilia-, Lugones progressively adopts a more radical nationalist turn, which will lead to the strong assertion of the Argentine uniqueness in the works published between the centennials of the May Revolution [1910] and of the Independence [1916]. This paper intends to reconstruct part of the intellectual field of the period in order to trace some of its fundamental lines of force


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Dobry, E. (2010). Panamericanismo, hispanidad, nacionalismo argentino: Dos escenas. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 11(14). Retrieved from