La novela monstruo: La vejez de Heliogábalo de Antonio de Hoyos y el decadentismo

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Begoña Sáenz Martínez


In the complex conjuncture of the end of Spanish century, Antonio de Hoyos has been identified traditionally as an atypical member of decadent movement. But its narrative is something more than an old fashioned and eccentric intention to take decadent literature to Spain. It is necessary to locate to Pedro in a position that this surpasses the routine classification like "erotic narrative". When I analyze the thematic components based on the general scheme of the decadent literature, I can define the specific nature of this novel, that it is not other than being a Spanish accomplishment of a decadent way of the European narrative.


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Sáenz Martínez, B. (2009). La novela monstruo: La vejez de Heliogábalo de Antonio de Hoyos y el decadentismo. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 10(13). Retrieved from