"Aquellas escaramuzas por mí­ memoradas": Experiencia y memorias de batalla en las crónicas de Hernán Cortés y Bernal Dí­az del Castillo

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Valeria Añón


In this essay we analyze the representation of the conquest in Cartas de Relación by Hernán Cortés and in Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España by Bernal Dí­az del Castillo. In both chronicles, the experience of the New World to be conquered organizes the plot and contributes to define identities. We analyze, in particular, some transcendent events in the conquest of México, such as the so called "Noche Triste" and the siege of Tenochitlan, in which multiple and complex images and metaphors are used to represent experience, along with several discursive traditions.


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Añón, V. (2009). "Aquellas escaramuzas por mí­ memoradas": Experiencia y memorias de batalla en las crónicas de Hernán Cortés y Bernal Dí­az del Castillo. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 10(13). Retrieved from https://www.olivar.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OLIv10n13a02