La mirada literaria de León de ojos verdes de Manuel Vicent

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Inmaculada Rodríguez Escudero


The article is an analysis of Manuel Vicent's last work, León de ojos verdes, where the reader can realize the mixture of different types of genres that is the typical feature of his prose. It describes the plots, subjects and motives of a set of short stories and statements that join to the autobiographical line and provoke a series of literary thinkings. Later, some of the poetical conception's constants, which present here and in his previous works, are explained. Finally, it emphasizes the Mediterranean culture's trace of the stories narrated from a symbolical and socialhistorical framework


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Rodríguez Escudero, I. (2008). La mirada literaria de León de ojos verdes de Manuel Vicent. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 9(12). Retrieved from