La exagerada vida de Vicentico Bola en Tranví­a a la Malvarrosa

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Juan A. Ríos Carratalá


Tranví­a a la Malvarrosa, the novel of Manuel Vicent has to Vicentico Bola between its personages. He is not its protagonist but it crystallize a firm memory for the reader. As much the characteristics of his character as their way of life - Signed by the excesses and the vitality- are fundamental in the life of Manuel. The cinematographic adaptation also rescues this personage. Simultaneously, it transfers to the audio-visual language the literary elements of a subjective memory of Spain of the Fifties


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Ríos Carratalá, J. A. (2008). La exagerada vida de Vicentico Bola en Tranví­a a la Malvarrosa. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 9(12). Retrieved from