Crónicas del fin de la historia. En torno a Espectros de Manuel Vicent

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Juan Antonio Ennis


A pathway from the eighties to the end of the past century is drawn through the short texts integrated in Manuel Vincent’s Espectros (2000). The following essay deals with a reading of these writings from the point of view of the overflowing condition that the notion of ‘aura’ acquires in them, so as in other works of this author. This expansión of the notion of aura, is directly bond to a way of narrating History that is articulated by the writer’s gaze –a kind of look that turns every perception into an aesthetic one–, and makes one more fragmentary episode –told from the plural standpoint of experience, memory and sensorial sensitivity– out ofthe story of its end, during the last decades of the 20th century


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How to Cite
Ennis, J. A. (2008). Crónicas del fin de la historia. En torno a Espectros de Manuel Vicent. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 9(12). Retrieved from