Huellas de una escritura escatológica: El proceso creativo de "Lavabos" de Manuel Vicent

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Federico Gerhardt


The purpose of this article is to analyze the creative process of "Lavabos", a column written by Manuel Vicent in year 2000 in El Paí­s, and then published in the book Nadie muere la ví­spera, in 2004. The first instance of this work consists in the decipherment and transcription of the rough drafts of the column, and, on a second instance, the edited versions of the text are examined and compared to those preparatory materials in order to underline and analyze the significant variants that they present. Finally, the column is connected to some aspects of Vicent's poetics


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Gerhardt, F. (2008). Huellas de una escritura escatológica: El proceso creativo de "Lavabos" de Manuel Vicent. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 9(12). Retrieved from