Articulismo en democracia. Las columnas de Antonio Muñoz Molina

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Natalia Corbellini


The writer's column format related to Muñoz Molina's last novels (Sefarad. Una novela de novelas; Ventanas de Manhattan; Dí­as de diario ), where the concept of genre is not clear, they alternate narrative and argumentation, tales and essay. I will analyze the writing of published columns as "Ida y vuelta" in the suplement Babelia of El paí­s, as a format that allows experimentation with the language and the narrator; and simultaneously constructs an ego with the will of style, and for providing a rewatching form of knowledge and thought


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How to Cite
Corbellini, N. (2008). Articulismo en democracia. Las columnas de Antonio Muñoz Molina. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 9(12). Retrieved from