Cartas para el más allá

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Fernando Valls


The novels of Juan Pedro Aparicio and Juan Cruz may be read as two long epistles, addressed to the author's mother, in the first case, and to the father, in the second. The first one displays a narrative fiction form, whereas the second is written in the way of a memoiristic book. Both of them are prosists, long-career narrators, although the main activity of the Canarian writer has been the cultural journalism, while Aparicio, who has successfully cultivated voyage literature and journalistic article, has centred his activity on the diverse dimensions of the narrative prose: short short-story, short-story, and novel


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How to Cite
Valls, F. (2008). Cartas para el más allá. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 9(11). Retrieved from