El léxico del Lazarillo

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Patrizia Botta


The following is an exhaustive Glossary of all the words in Lazarillo registered as they appear in the text. It has been prepared in a different way from the Concordances and it will soon be on line. The Glossary is a useful tool to study statistical data (figures and percentages), grammar categories, most frequently used terms, dominant semantic fields, stylistic features, syntagms, term distribution, and unique terms of a given Treatise, etc. The conclusion is that the novel is a very rich work from a lexical viewpoint (there are many words which are mentioned only once and there is a low rate of repeated terms). This type of survey is fundamental for studies on language and style, and for the production of a critical edition, as it provides the author's usus scribendi which can be used to assess doubtful or equal variants


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Botta, P. (2008). El léxico del Lazarillo. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 9(11). Retrieved from https://www.olivar.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OLIv09n11a03