El Cid humaní­stico: La configuración del paradigma caballeresco

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Fernando Gómez Redondo


Although the Cid follows his quattrocentist way in chronicle derivations and in epic balladry, a new paradigm around Rodrigo is simultaneously affirmed throughout the fifteenth century, in order to move toward the schemes of chivalric behaviour, whereupon the biographies or particular chronicles of real heroes are woven into. The considerations of the hero in the literature of the time are linked with the main projects of renovation of the cavalry, enhanced throughout the three reigns of this century, especially with those promoted in the close proximity of Don Álvaro Luna, and within the military structure of the Catholic Kings.


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Gómez Redondo, F. (2007). El Cid humaní­stico: La configuración del paradigma caballeresco. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 8(10). Retrieved from https://www.olivar.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OLIv08n10a20
5. Explicit: El Cid en lugares y tiempos distintos