Rehacer la memoria. Cultura y fascismo en la España domocrática

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Jordi Gracia


The revision of the Spanish literary fascism in the democracy was a more attractive subject for the young and new writers of the seventies and eighties than for scholars. Nevertheless, last the five or ten years have shown at university a substantial increase of the attention: the editions and the studies on the literary fascismo, had continued the pioneering work of Jose Carlos Mainer, and taking therefore the relief from which it had been the aesthetic and literary curiosity by the falangismo for Francisco Umbral, Andrés Trapiello, Miguel Sánchez-Ostiz or José Carlos Llop.


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How to Cite
Gracia, J. (2006). Rehacer la memoria. Cultura y fascismo en la España domocrática. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 7(8). Retrieved from