Novela histórica y responsabilidad social del escritor: El camino trazado por Benjamí­n Prado en Mala gente que camina

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Ignacio Soldevila Durante
Javier Lluch Prats


From the end of the pro-Franco dictatorship a lot of numbers of novels whose thematic it has continued confining itself the Civil War and its consequences. The continuity of the subject -that conflict begins in the heat of- not only it obeys to that still many live on those who suffered the years of the postwar period, but also to that it is an axial subject of ours to happen, by extension, of XX century. In our literature, to take care of the war continues being more commitment than evasion and, mainly, it is felt of the responsibility of the writers towards our society. In the case of the historical novel, this one has recovered absent passages in the hegemonic historiográfico speech that it has been transmitted us, as it demonstrates, as a paradigm, an excellent novel of which we took care here: Benjamí­n Prado's Mala gente que camina (2006), that it approaches and it keeps awake the subject of the red children robbed by the Francoism, among others.


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Soldevila Durante, I., & Lluch Prats, J. (2006). Novela histórica y responsabilidad social del escritor: El camino trazado por Benjamí­n Prado en Mala gente que camina. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 7(8). Retrieved from