Borges, Cortázar, el galache y la gurupa sureña. Apostilla al debate sobre el (anti)hispanismo en Argentina

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Marta Raquel Macciuci


A history of Spanish Studies in Argentina would be incomplete, if it does not take into account the long series of anti-Spanish manifestations by recognized intellectuals from 19th century until today, as José Luis de Diego recently pointed out. Among them we can find Julio Cortázar, who, by means of fiction, expressed in different moments of his career his disagreement with a specific form of aesthetics and a way of conceiving literature that he considered as typically Spanish. Attempting to continue the discussion on this matter -opened in Olivar's 5 th- the following note dismantles the operations made by the author of Rayuela in a precise chapter of Un tal Lucas. This particular chapter is imbued with a fierce critic to the peninsular tradition. A careful analysis of this fragment, as well as of the way in which it relates to other works of the same writer, allows me to sketch a hypothesis on the cortazarian anti-hispanism.


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How to Cite
Macciuci, M. R. (2006). Borges, Cortázar, el galache y la gurupa sureña. Apostilla al debate sobre el (anti)hispanismo en Argentina. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 7(7). Retrieved from

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