Entrelíneas para una introspección poética: Rubén Darío y Antonio Machado en 1903
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This paper aims to show a poetical attitude shared by Antonio Machado and Rubén Darío. This attitude consists in defending introspection as the most adequate formula for poetical expression, and becomes perceptible in a precise moment along the poetical trajectory followed by each of them. However, it is interesting to notice how this is revealed through the aesthetical dialogue that both maintain by means of their work - presented as a gift to one another: those poems whose paratext is dedicated to the other poet, though the text doesn't correspond to such a dedication- neither the tone, nor the rhythm nor the lexicon do even remind us of the celebrated poetics. Works that are actually songs to oneself, a part of oneself, these poems are nevertheless offered to the other. This offer can be observed particularly in two concrete poems: ®El canto de los niños ¼ and ®Caracol ¼. Both poems, dedicated respectively to the other poet, are analyzed here as a representative example of that dialogue between the lines, which evidences the aesthetical coincidence between Darío and Machado about 1903.
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Pichardo, C. (2006). Entrelíneas para una introspección poética: Rubén Darío y Antonio Machado en 1903. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 7(7). Retrieved from https://www.olivar.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OLIv07n07a03
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