"Atal allur a catade": Recuperación figural de la Antigüedad pagana en las Cantigas de Santa Marí­a de Alfonso X

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Santiago Aníbal Disalvo


There is a figural or typological nexus between the historical event told in Cantigas de Santa Marí­a 205 and a fragment of the Estoria de España, both alphonsine works which are not usually studied in connection. This feature, which is only a sample of the rich use of typology in the cancionero, is an evidence of an intended symbolic ( ®allegorical ¼) recovery and overcoming of the pagan past, in the wider context of alphonsine texts, including also Setenario.


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How to Cite
Disalvo, S. A. (2004). "Atal allur a catade": Recuperación figural de la Antigüedad pagana en las Cantigas de Santa Marí­a de Alfonso X. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 5(5). Retrieved from https://www.olivar.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OLIv05n05a01

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