Las fabulaciones de nuestra realidad. Apuntes para una poética del grupo leonés de J. P. Aparicio, L. M. Diez y J. M. Merino

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Mabel Brizuela


The Juan Pedro Aparicio (1941), Luis Mateo Dí­ez (1942) and José Marí­a Merino's (1941) "Grupo leonés" makes its appearance among what has been called in contemporary Spanish narrative "generación del 68", sprouted round about the "filandón" with a strong fascination for the oral tradition tales and the commitment to the recovery of narrativity. Though each of them had explored such different literary worlds, their connection point is a space that belongs to everybody's memory, and a common apocryphal character: Sabino Ordás, "patriaren of León's literature". These writers have produced, besides apocryphal, and at the same time they produced their fí­ctional work, a lavish material of critical reflection. Between metatextual and narrative speech a strong articulation is revealed, and their mechanisms and strategies allow us to state a León's narrative's poetics.


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Brizuela, M. (2003). Las fabulaciones de nuestra realidad. Apuntes para una poética del grupo leonés de J. P. Aparicio, L. M. Diez y J. M. Merino. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 4(4). Retrieved from