Una higa a los españoles. Un documento inédito de la propaganda anticatólica en la inglaterra de Isabel I (1591)

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Antonio Cortijo Ocaña
Timothy McGovern


Between the last XVI th. century years and the beginnings of XVIIth. century took place a great production of pamphlet-literature, so as political and religious literature related to the historical events envolving Spain and England . This literature has not been yet studied in depth, nor received the attentiot that it requires. The document here introduced attempts to record the events occurred inmediatly after the defeat of the Armada Invencible (1588) and, besides, echoes not only the contemporary revolts of Aragón, Cataluña and Valencia, but also an episode of the fight that took place in Lisbon between Spanish and Portuguese citizens, and finally the bad 1590's crop in Napoles.


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Cortijo Ocaña, A., & McGovern, T. (2003). Una higa a los españoles. Un documento inédito de la propaganda anticatólica en la inglaterra de Isabel I (1591). Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 4(4). Retrieved from https://www.olivar.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OLIv04n04d01