Nuevas iluminaciones en las sombras biográficas de Alejandro Sawa - Max Estrella (1892- 1896)

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Pura Fernández


The ultimate news referred to the biography of Alejandro Sawa provide data of great interest to ascertain something upon the affairs of the latin-american bohemian in the late XIXth. Century Paris -under the shadow of the Casa Editorial Garnier and of the gatherinies presided by Paul Verlaine-, as well as to decipher the historical keys disseminated by Valle Inclán in Luces de Bohemia, a post-mortem homage to the memory of the introducer of the French literary novelties in the end of century Spanish culture: Alejandro Sawa-Max Estrella.


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Fernández, P. (2003). Nuevas iluminaciones en las sombras biográficas de Alejandro Sawa - Max Estrella (1892- 1896). Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 4(4). Retrieved from