Max Aub y Ana Marí­a Merkel. Ficción y realidad de una artista desconocida

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Dolores Fernández Martínez


It has been a riddle for those who study Max Aub's work to find out which is the limit between fiction and reality in the historical novel Jusep Torres Campalans This article is based on a huge documentation about Picasso and the Parisian artistic environment before 1914. The character of Ana Marí­a Merkel, the painter's mate, was totally mnvented: but this woman, Max Aub's contemporary, did exist, and tracing her back we find a painful image of feminine artists, reflecting a traditional inequality in the social recognition of female art.


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Fernández Martínez, D. (2002). Max Aub y Ana Marí­a Merkel. Ficción y realidad de una artista desconocida. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 3(3). Retrieved from