La glosa de 1541 a los refranes que dizen las viejas tras el fuego

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Hugo O. Bizzarri


The Marqués de Santillana's Refranes que dizen las viejas tras el fuego had a widely Spreads diffusion during the XVIth century. The printing made in 1541 by Francisco Fernández de Córdoba not only points out a particular way of reception -that of the illustrated collection with short moral glosses- but also was one of the fundamental sources to Juan de Mal Lara's Philosophia vulgar (Sevilla, 1568). A transcription of the1541 printing preserved in only one copy which ­mproves Sbarbi's edition (1874) is presented in this article. This is, thus, an attempt to bring materials to the study of the Hispanic Refranero's early printed stage.


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Bizzarri, H. O. (2001). La glosa de 1541 a los refranes que dizen las viejas tras el fuego. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 2(2). Retrieved from