Genetic criticism of an essay by María Zambrano, between cinema and dream

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Matei Chihaia


How can the relation between literary and philosophical writing in exile be modeled? The approach taken here starts from the tropes and figures of classical rhetoric to develop a typology of relations. Two particularly extensive types can be described as metaphorical and metonymic: Literary texts appear as allegories in a philosophical discourse, and conversely, philosophical concepts are introduced into literature as metaphors. The metonymic relationship is then based on the encounter of texts and authors in journals and other institutions. Less frequent are the types of metalepsis and apostrophe, for each of which an example is presented. María Zambrano’s 1952 essay on Italian neorealism, revised a second time in 1990 and published for a different readership, thus turns from a journalistic-literary dialogue (with the recipients of Bohemia) to a philosophical-theoretical discourse (for the readers of Diario 16’s cultural supplement).


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How to Cite
Chihaia, M. (2024). Genetic criticism of an essay by María Zambrano, between cinema and dream. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 24(38), e145.


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