Passion for Living, Passion for Creating. The Poetry of Ana Marí­a Fagundo: A Singular Aesthetic

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Blas Sánchez Dueñas


Ana Marí­a Fagundo was an independent and singular poet who made literature and poetry her own vehicles through which to explore, in pursuit of knowledge, and to forge an exclusive life project as a person and as a creator. With the composition of her first book, poetry became an indivisible part of her approach to inhabiting and dealing with the world, evolving into a literary landscape all her own, resting on two cornerstones: creation as an autochthonous sphere through which to shape lives, through words; and a defence and affirmation of life against the emptiness and isolation of postmodern societies. This study focuses on the analysis of these two aspects, which are considered indispensable principles of her poetic conception; and on suggesting new discursive perspectives on other particularities of her work, with particular stress on her book From Chanatel, The Song, as it contains some of the core theme of her particular lyrical universe.


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Sánchez Dueñas, B. (2020). Passion for Living, Passion for Creating. The Poetry of Ana Marí­a Fagundo: A Singular Aesthetic. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 20(32), e084.


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