Women in transition: The poetry of Clara Janés

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María Teresa Navarrete Navarrete


The article studies the poetry of Clara Janés written during the years close to the Spanish transition (1975-1978). My proposal is to examine the evolution experienced by the identity of women during this period of their literary career. For that, I will consider the collections of poems written by Janés from 1973 to 1986. I will organize my study in three levels. First, I examine the cultural assumptions about women writers in the last years of Francoism and the first years of democracy. Secondly, I will assume the effect of the personal and creative crisis and the influence of Vladimí­r Holan on the work of Janés. In the third place, I will study the closeness between the works of Janés written in the eighties and the Spanish feminist claims of these years. Through these three levels, the main objective of this article is to demonstrate that these works of poetry belong to a creative phase dominated by the conquest of a woman's identity.


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Navarrete Navarrete, M. T. (2020). Women in transition: The poetry of Clara Janés. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 20(32), e083. https://doi.org/10.24215/18524478e083


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