Narratives and ethnographies for the post-ETA scenario: a reading of the movie Gazta Zati Bat

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Julieta Gaztañaga


I produce an ethnographically informed anthropological reading of the symbolic intertextuality of the film Gazta Zati Bat. Released in 2012, this Basque documentary tells a series of personal and political stories linked around the enactment of a social movement that was born five years earlier, in a small town of Gipuzkoa province, and whose members have been working towards self-determination rights by producing and adding content to the “Right to decide” drawing inspiration from the Scottish model. The article focuses on the construction of political agency taking into account the creation of a new peaceful sovereignty scenario; it argues that initiatives such as this cultural production allow for rethinking analytical axes concerning the Basque conflict.


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Gaztañaga, J. (2019). Narratives and ethnographies for the post-ETA scenario: a reading of the movie Gazta Zati Bat. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 19(30), e065.



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