The rewriting of the violent past and the fictionalization of the present conflictive: the narratives of Edurne Portela and Iban Zaldua

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Mikel Ayerbe Sudupe


The analysis of the novel Mejor la ausencia of Edurne Portela and the stories of Iban Zaldua published after the final cease-fire of ETA highlight the need to continue digging literarily around issues related to the Basque conflict, even when the conflict has entered in another cycle. Portela chooses to offer a review of the violent past through a family chronicle and the rewriting of the same, while in the case of Zaldua, the most recent stories are placed temporarily and thematically in the so-called post-ETA era.


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Sudupe, M. A. (2019). The rewriting of the violent past and the fictionalization of the present conflictive: the narratives of Edurne Portela and Iban Zaldua. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 19(30), e061.



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