Chorus and Action in La Dorotea. A "Cosmology"

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Matias Spector


In this paper I suggest that there is a cosmology inside Lope de Vega's  La Dorotea. By “cosmology” I mean a conceptual foundation that justifies the union between form and content. Popular gnostic doctrines in the Spanish Golden age period will provide the theoretical framework for this enterprise. Firstly, I will illustrate that Chorus and Action are independent and opposing narrative dimensions; secondly, I will claim that the relation between both dimensions can be understood through an analogy with predetermination and free will; lastly, I will argue that the design of La Dorotea is founded on the concept of Redemption.


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Spector, M. (2018). Chorus and Action in La Dorotea. A "Cosmology". Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 18(28), e040.
Dossier Lope más allá del teatro: La Dorotea. Florencia Calvo (ed.)


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