" ¡Ay soledades tristes!" The "Barquillas" and the lyrical itinerary in La Dorotea
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The purpose of this work is to examine the poetry inserted in La Dorotea de Lope de Vega, particularly, the corpus composed of the romances known as “barquillas”. Given its condition of “cancionero”, settled by the scholars, our interest is focused in its recurrences, continuities and isotopies, to describe the ways in which its inclusion in the text is realized, taking into account that the alternation of prose and verses is part of the structural conformation of this great work. Thus, it is possible to determine that beyond the certainty that these poems were written as evocation of the figure of Marta de Nevares (another point on which the critic has agreement) the development of the piece finds argumental, stylistic, generic and poetic justifications that make the “barquillas” go further the sad historical event that gave rise to them.
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