The Science of La Dorotea: Notes of Poetics in the light of the "Prólogo al Teatro"

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Patricia Festini


This paper offers a reading of some scenes from La Dorotea in the light of the "Preface to the Theatre". Based on the consideration of poetry as a science, it is intended to develop a series of relations with the focus on history/poetry which makes possible, on the one hand, to define certain issues of Poetics about the "action in prose" of La Dorotea, and on the other hand, to confirm the multiple coincidences that these issues present with those proposed in Novelas a Marcia Leonarda, bringing some episodes of La Dorotea closer to the short story genre.


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Festini, P. (2018). The Science of La Dorotea: Notes of Poetics in the light of the "Prólogo al Teatro". Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 18(28), e037.
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