The Homo Viator in the Natural Space: A Study on the Prologue of Gonzalo de Berceo’s Milagros de Nuestra Señora

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Viviane Cunha


This brief study inquires into the Prologue of Gonzalo de Berceo’s Milagros de Nuestra Señora, in connection it with the of the hortus deliciarum topos. Its space is that of the virgin Nature, a symbol of Mary, taking into account the development of Marian worship and the “growth” of the image of the Mother of God, from Antiquity to the 12th and 13th centuries.


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How to Cite
Cunha, V. (2018). The Homo Viator in the Natural Space: A Study on the Prologue of Gonzalo de Berceo’s Milagros de Nuestra Señora. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 17(26), e015. Retrieved from