'La Natura que crí­a todas las crïaturas': A Note on the Figure of Nature in the Libro de Alexandre

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Juan Héctor Fuentes


Stanzas 2324-2333 of Libro de Alexandre offer a translation, or rather, an adaptation of verses 6-30, Book 10, of Gautier de Chãtillon’s Alexandreis, in which Natura is presented as a personification of nature, angry at the pride of Alexander. In this paper we study the treatment of this character present in the Castilian poem in relation to its Latin model and the concept of "nature" developed by the authors of the 12th-Century Renaissance.


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Fuentes, J. H. (2018). ’La Natura que crí­a todas las crïaturas’: A Note on the Figure of Nature in the Libro de Alexandre. Olivar. Revista De Literatura Y Cultura Españolas, 17(26), e013. Retrieved from https://www.olivar.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/OLIe013